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ACE Ultra Core Column

ACE Ultra Core Column

ACE UltraCore is a new range of ultra-inert HPLC/UHPLC  solid core (superficially porous) material.  It is a revolution in Reverse Phase Chromatography!

ACE Ultra Core Column comprise of 2.5 and 5 um particle with ACE UltraCore Super C18 and Super Phenyl Hexyl ligands.

The monodisperse particle distribution of these phases combine   high efficiency and performance with a low column back pressure.

ACE Ultra Core Column Properties

  • Ultra-inert solid-core UHPLC/HPLC columns
  • High efficiency 2.5um and 5 um solid-core particles
  • SuperC18 and SuperPhenyHexyl phases with extended pH Stability (pH 1.5 – 11.0)
  • Encapsulated Bonding Technology (EBT™) for improved chromatography and stability
  • You can exploit selectivity by adjusting pH

The unique Encapsulated Bonding Technology (EBT™) developed for ACE SuperC18 columns dramatically increases ligand coverage of the silica surface and effectively eliminates the effect of unbonded silanol groups from separations. This higher ligand coverage results in improved inertness, chromatographic performance and stability.

Under aggressive acidic conditions ACE SuperC18 is highly resistant to ligand cleavage, due to a combination of the Encapsulated Bonding Technology (EBT™) and ultra-inert ACE silica. Many C18 bonded columns will exhibit ligand cleavage under acidic conditions, resulting in retention shifts and/or increased peak tailing.

Discover selectivity by pH adjustment

These phases enable selectivity to be exploited at low, intermediate and high pH for rapid , systematic method development, with an efficiency, robustnessand lower pressure attributes of solid cotr columns .


Comparison of Peak Efficiencies


Example of Biomarker Profilling using ACE Ultra Core Column

Biomarker Profilling with ACE UltraCore 2.5 Super C18


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