Happy Chromatographer Opportunity knocks!

Happy Chromatographer, we are now moving out of the pandemic into a new world. Every crisis generates new opportunities.
Now is the best time for you to help to create the new world. and to realize your dreams.
During the pandemic, we have developed highly productive solutions to help you develop new applications.
Happy Chromatographers , we have problem-solving tools for two distinct types of customers.
- Workers who work in the pharmaceutical, healthcare, supplement and food industries want to move their businesses forward.
- Entrepreneurs who want to start their own business.
For workers
Happy Chromatographer, in every business there is competition. To get ahead, you must show the owners or managers that you have your ideas on how to help the company grow.
Research-based pharmaceutical companies invest large sums of money in research to create knowledge and new active compounds and auxiliary products. Such substances must be free of unwanted molecules so that they can act in a predictable and reducible way. Some of the active substances are enantiomers. In the 1990s, various scientists promised that the knowledge of stereo synthesis would become available after the turn of the century so that all active substances could be synthesized in the most effective form. Today, the reality is different.
- we offer the most productive chiral and achiral separation processes for analytics, semi-prep, prep, and cGMP production. In many cases, we can also help achieve IPR extension.
For generic pharmaceutical companies.
International demand for competitive quality products is growing. As competition increases, so does the pressure to improve productivity and quality. Depending on the active ingredient and the country, price is considered more important than quality. The smart decision-makers are talking to us. Contact form: https://chromatographyshop.com/contact-form/
we offer the most productive and compliant ways to stand out from the rest
Food supplements
The market for cannabis and hemp products is growing exponentially. Unfortunately, different regulations prevail everywhere. This tempts decision-makers to use the cheapest production methods.
Soon, the authorities will regulate the market strictly and worldwide. Those production methods that are transparent, non-toxic, reproducible, and highly productive will win the race.
See https://chromatographyshop.com/instruments-tools/pic-solution-sfc-sfe-systems/co2-chromatography/
The authorities do not question our processes. This empowers you to use the most productive and sustainable production methods or to sell your business to serious and well-paying buyers.
In the US, the market for dietary supplements is growing by 25%. Depending on what you want to achieve, there are still many undiscovered new applications in the section.
In the emerging markets of Asia, Africa and South America, many governments are trying to export their raw materials in various forms.
Universities are analyzing the raw materials and developing extraction methods. Most university people forget that importing countries are highly regulated. They only accept highly purified products. Microbiological and phytochemical contamination is a problem in the processing of plants and mushrooms. Never use low-price strategies to circumvent hurdles in the system.
Internationally oriented entrepreneurs who have high-quality and highly productive processes do not have problems with the various authorities, retailers, and end consumers.
Discuss your problem with us so that we can suggest various improvements. https://chromatographyshop.com/contact-form/
The composition of natural products varies from provenance to provenance. Sometimes there are supply shortages. A popular strategy in developed economies is to buy extracts from the cheapest suppliers and then perform do high-level purification in-house with the most productive equipment. This strategy avoids unnecessary problems.
If you want to be the best in a global market, you must use fast and productive molecular extraction and purification technologies.
As a manufacturer of HPLC and SFE/SFC, we recommend that you evaluate the advantages of supercritical/supercritical CO2 technologies.
- As a privately-owned company, we have developed many unique technologies over many years. This places us at the forefront of SFE/SFC equipment and facilities.
- Our equipment/instruments/plants are European made quality products for the circular economy!
- We offer supercritical CO2 fluid extraction and supercritical CO2 fluid chromatography ranging from components to complete turnkey systems that include biomass drying/grinding, extraction, post-processing distillation, monomolecular isolation, and purification.
- We are world leaders and strongly focused on supercritical purification and productive hybrid processes from mg to several kg/day.
- Hybrid systems combine analysis and purification in one system. This allows you to move from research to the pilot scale.
- All units are equipped with a UV detector as standard. We also offer ELSD, CAD and Single quad-MS and combinations.
- cGMP software is available on request.
- SFC is 5 to 10 times faster than HPLC.
- With SFC we do not need modifiers, such as TFA. With SFC, free bases can be purified.
- You do not need to evaporate water. It only takes a few minutes to evaporate the CO2 liquid from the fraction.
- Our plants can recycle CO2 for reuse.
- Operating costs are 4 to 8 times lower than HPLC.
We have many years of experience with all types of liquid chromatography. Describe your goals and we will suggest how to achieve them most productively!
- For prospective or experienced entrepreneurs
10-20% of all employed people would like to start their own business, producing and selling products or services on a full-time or part-time basis.
Happy Chromatographers, there are two ways to start a business.
- with investor capital
- with your start-up capital.
Every business need capital. How much capital depends on the founder’s ambitions and the type of business they want to build. However, one thing is clear from the outset: every new business starts as a small family business.
Companies capitalized by investors
Most researchers in the field of life sciences believe that a lot of capital is needed to realize their concepts. Usually, their professors inform the authorities that they have a potential founder. The authorities respond by offering the young entrepreneur guided training in business management.
All government entrepreneurship programs offer traditional, textbook-based training. The entrepreneur learns how to pitch with venture capitalists and how to prepare a business plan. For the authorities, this is a mere job with no strings attached. For the venture capitalist, it is a game to win.
The venture capitalist (VC) acts in the middle between the entrepreneur and the investors. He does not know how a project will develop. The risk is high that there will be problems between the parties. Therefore, the first thing the VC will do is write a term sheet that assures him control over the knowledge. Most investors are financial investors who want to get rich quickly and managers from the pharmaceutical industry. Both want to invest only tiny amounts of capital and to use debt to have a lean organization. To get enough investors, the VC has also to “pitch” his project to investors. This often leads to inflated assumptions and later to friction between entrepreneurs and investors. Most VCs support the investors and start to extort the entrepreneur. The third party in this game are government agencies or advisory boards. Most people in this group have job security. They will not do anything that poses a risk to their jobs.
The whole package is a considerable risk because everyone has different ulterior motives than the entrepreneur. There is theoretically only one common interest. Everyone wants to see a quick turnaround from proof of concept to a working prototype to an approved product. The team becomes even more problematic when the technology supplier/owner is a public institution. Likely, a lot of money has been invested beforehand. If commercialized, it must come back.
The statistics for such a business model do not look encouraging. The chances of a young entrepreneur succeeding in finding venture capitalists are less than 1%. If he succeeds, the probability that the entrepreneur will still own and control most of the business he started after three years is less than 1 per thousand.
- Companies financed by the equity of the entrepreneur
Many people set up their businesses using the “shoestring principle”. The basics are: The founder must have a strong will, he must be supported by his family, be agile and be convinced of himself. He constantly keeps a mental balance sheet in his head and prioritizes the survival of the business.
The most important thing in this process is to create a cash flow. One creates a cash flow by selling products or services to many customers who are willing to pay a certain amount for the product/service within the agreed time.
The entrepreneur also knows that he must work a lot and cannot pay himself a wage for a certain period. This depends on his costs and obligations. The wise entrepreneur reduces his obligations and builds up assets so that he must pay as little tax as possible.
He reduces costs and improves product/service quality. Compared to managers, the entrepreneur must know how money and his customers work.
Entrepreneurs constantly monitor their target market and know that the best time to start a new business is at the end of an economic crisis or pandemic, with new products/services.
What we offer new entrepreneurs
We sell low-cost and advanced tools. With these, an entrepreneur can develop unique products and services. This enables him to build a sustainable market. Since we are entrepreneurs ourselves, we will give you recommendations on how to develop your business. But you must decide for yourself what you want to do. So, contact us:
We assume that you can do chromatography, provide services, and legally earn income. Here are our Projects.
- the new teacher project
In every country, there are freelance musicians and interesting personalities who visit schools and motivate students with a paid performance. We live in a technically complex world. Little is done to teach young people about this complexity and how important they are to the functioning of our world, how it works and benefits society.
Often, we are faced with complex mechanical or living “components” whose performance is supposed to help us live better lives. Sometimes this performance is inadequate, dangerous, or inexplicable. Then we must break down the components into individual sub-components and know their properties.
In no school are children taught that our world only works if we know the properties of the components. We ask children not to eat XYZ, so they do not get sick, or we forbid them to steal. But we do not explain to them that we can prove transgressions and punish them.
With chromatographic experiments, we can separate complex mixtures of components. We can ask them to bring a complex product from home, break it down into its building blocks and explain in simple terms how it works. This will arouse their interest and take away their fear of complex products. They will begin to discuss with their parents, grandparents, and neighbours the many new things that are becoming reality in the second epoch of enlightenment.
Our environment is dysfunctional. We need to create a new world. We need to make it clear to children that the Greta Thunberg strategy is useless.
Now, many people are not interested in tackling our environmental problems. They do not understand how to fix dysfunctionalities with modern technologies. To improve modern technologies, more people need to participate in Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematic (STEM) courses. If we inspire the young generation by experimenting and participating in modern processes, we will see that STEM courses will become fashionable.
We are looking for young entrepreneurs who want to start a business that develops and conducts interesting experiments with children of different age groups. We sell low-cost tools and help them with interesting methods.
Overview: https://chromatographyshop.com/instruments-tools/low-price-hplc-uplc-lc-systems/
Motivator: https://chromatographyshop.com/product/moti-watr-chromatography/
I-Know: https://chromatographyshop.com/product/i-know-automatic-analytical-hplc-uplc-system/
- The “fake” hunter Project
In our global digitalized world, disruptive technologies and social networks have created a world of individuals separated by anonymity. Increased people are using anonymity to enrich themselves by plagiarizing and faking the achievements of others. This increases competition and unemployment.
Often the authorities do not know what to do. They are unable to stop such acts. In the past, the thieves were shamed by the media and punished by governments.
The honest and serious players do not want such value-destroying forces. Retailers want quality products, and the media are looking for new markets and subscribers.
We are looking for founders of new laboratories that specialize in hunting down counterfeits and plagiarism. This is a new playing field for independent and competent chromatographers.
We sell low-cost start-up tools and help them build the market. Visit our tools and contact us.
Overview: : https://chromatographyshop.com/instruments-tools/low-price-hplc-uplc-lc-systems/
- The independent manufacturer of active ingredients
More people are trying to live healthy and long lives. Increased manufacturers are producing new food supplements and natural remedies, as well as new natural colourings and natural additives for cosmetics and industrial products.
Overview: https://chromatographyshop.com/product/i-know-automatic-analytical-hplc-uplc-system/
Pride of Drug Discoverer https://chromatographyshop.com/product/pride-of-drug-discoverer-compact/
My Purification Factory https://chromatographyshop.com/product/my-purification-factory-compact-2/
- Measuring and promoting plant-based nutrition
There is a need for talented chromatographers to collaborate with partners around the world to produce new natural commodities.
He will work with a range of clients. Large companies already employ such people. However, they are told what to do and are controlled by a supervisor.
There are already several producers of natural extracts around the world. These represent potential partners. A partnership requires that each partner be allocated a certain territory. It is also important that there is a range of buyers of the active ingredients and a definition of their needs.
Suitable individuals have a broad knowledge and a solid understanding of how to develop new product concepts with company owners.
The development of this business concept is interesting in emerging markets. To support honest businesses, it is important to expose counterfeits. This requires an innovative chromatographers or family of chromatographers.
We sell you a low-cost device to produce lesser amounts of compounds to find suitable partners and to create prototypes for market research purposes.
Overview: https://chromatographyshop.com/product/i-know-automatic-analytical-hplc-uplc-system/
Can Do : https://chromatographyshop.com/product/can-do-analytical-system/
- Your own Ideas
Contact us if you have your ideas and need a creative specialist equipment manufacturer.
After studying this blog, please compile your ideas and questions and send them to us. We will contact you soon.
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