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Low-Price HPLC & UPLC Systems

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Low-Price HPLC & UPLC Systems are advanced tools to assist users to separate compound mixtures into individual molecules for analysis or production purposes.  Such systems are used in a wide variety of applications by different professionals.

Our HPLC & UHPLC systems are unique and designed to help chromatographers to achieve precise and productive results. Every application has specific technical requirements and terminology. Our customers work in a technically demanding and highly competitive market.

The working environment is getting more complex.  We help our clients to achieve high quality and productive results. Because procrastination leads to more problems. , and as a result that the number of problems increases.

Low-Price HPLC & UPLC Systems to design your independence

History has shown that open-minded employees with a passion for professionalism, productivity improvement, pioneering spirit, and precision at work (the so-called 5 P employees) compete with innovative problem solutions and also contribute to advance the life sciences.
We develop unique instruments and tools to enable 5 Ps to permanently expand their knowledge and skills.

The world is becoming more and more unpredictable

Most of our instruments are used in the life sciences,  to find new active pharmaceutical ingredients, to check the quality of therapeutics, natural products, diagnostics, food, and agricultural products. Our goal is to develop effective and efficient tools at competitive prices.

In the post-corona era, we expect an economic slowdown and rising unemployment. Some of our compact systems were developed for agile company founders so that they can produce anytime, anywhere.

Below you will find a wide range of Low-Cost HPLC & UPLC Systems

“I Know” Advanced HPLC / UPLC Systems

"I Know" Analytical HPLC & UPLCSystem
“I Know” Analytical HPLC System for chemical, biochemical and Liefe sciences application

“I Kow” is an automated HPLC or UPLC system with a top-quality quaternary gradient pump and a PDA and also var Wavelength  UV-VIS detector. This system is for people who know what to do.

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“Pride of Drug Discoverers” Compact LC System

Pride of Drug Discoverer
A compact semi prep chromatography system for creative Drug Discoverer

is a compact analytical semi prep LC system with a manual sample injection, UV-VIS detector, and fraction collector. They are all integrated into the same unit.  Ideal for the mobile manufacturer that works in different locations. (e.g. during a shutdown ideal for Post-Corona era )

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“My Purification Factory” Compact LC System

My Purification Factory front view
My Purification Factory a Compact Chromatographic System is to take your manufacturing plant always with you!

is a compact Prep LC system for the production of gram quantities of high-quality substances. The samples are injected manually, run through a quaternary gradient pump, UV-VIS detector, and fraction collector. All these components are installed into the system ready for operation. Such systems are ideal when working in different locations. E.g. in various field laboratories at harvest times.

Please download the product description of interest for more information.

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“Can Do” Analytical HPLC / UPLC System

Can Do Analytical System
Can Do Analytical System

is an analytical, manual sample injection HPLC or UPLC system with a quaternary gradient pump for people who need to develop cost-effective methods.

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“Moti Watr” HPLC/UPLC System

Scholar LC System
Scholar Analytical Quarternary Gradient HPLC System

The “Moti Watr” HPLC /UPLC system is intended for motivated teachers who want to achieve lasting teamwork among young people at high schools, colleges, and universities. Those teachers understand how to motivate young people to venture into unknown areas together and to find out the truth about questions that concern young people.

The “Moti Watr”  HPLC/UPLC  system can separate complex mixtures of compounds into individual components e.g. in vegetable juices, waste-waters and consumer products. A typical case is cannabis oils that contain THC and pesticides but are very likely available on the market as medical CBD oil. Modern analytical technologies help young environmental activists to transfer their arguments into the real world.

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Then click the “Select Option” button below and choose the system that is right for you. We will send you an offer immediately

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