Consensus Analytical Pumps
In our world technical diversity is increasing and so is the need for a range of different, very competitive Consensus Analytical Pumps. On the other hand, clients don’t want to search for Websites for spare parts and similar products. To assist the end-users our Range comprises of a full application based range of analytical pumps and related Spar Parts.
- Consensus Isocratic Analytical HPLC Pump offers a flow rate range 0.02 – 10ml/min and a maximum pressure of 40 MPa, equipped including a stainless steel container for solvent bottles. Up to six 2L mobile phase reservoirs may be put into the box.
- Consensus Quaternary Gradient Analytical HPLC Pump without Degasser, (flow rate range 0.02 – 10ml/min., max. pressure of 40 MPa, equipped with four-way gradient mixing valve including a box for Solvent storage )
- Consensus Quaternary Gradient Analytical HPLC Pump with build-in high-efficiency on-line Degasser with a unique design that assures reliable operation and the highest continuous performance available without the use of Helium. Up to four solvent lines may be degassed simultaneously. One additional channel is reserved for degassing the gradient valve output. The extremely low internal volume of each Teflon AF channel (480ul) offers very fast equilibration startup times compared to traditional PTFE degassing channels that have the same degassing efficiency output (flow rate range 0.02 – 10ml/min., max. pressure of 40 MPa, equipped with four-way gradient mixing valve, a degasser unit including a box for Solvent storage )
- Consensus Isocratic Analytical UPLC Pump offers a flow rate range of 0.02 – 10ml/min and a maximum pressure of 60 MPa including a box for Solvent storage
- Consensus Quaternary Gradient Analytical UPLC Pump without Degasser, (flow rate range 0.02 – 10ml/min., max. pressure of 60 MPa, equipped with four-way gradient mixing valve including a box for Solvent storage )
- Consensus Quaternary Gradient Analytical UPLC Pump with build-in high-efficiency on-line Degasser with a unique design that assures reliable operation and the highest continuous performance available without the use of Helium. Up to four solvent lines may be degassed simultaneously. One additional channel is reserved for degassing the gradient valve output. The extremely low internal volume of each Teflon AF channel (480ul) offers very fast equilibration startup times compared to traditional PTFE degassing channels that have the same degassing efficiency output (flow rate range 0.02 – 10ml/min., max. pressure of 60 MPa, equipped with four-way gradient mixing valve, a degasser unit including a box for Solvent storage )
Every unit above is designed to allow to achieving a precise low-pressure gradient (i.e gradual change of solvent composition by mixing up to four liquids at the pump entry. The Isocratic pump allows a predefined percentage of solvent composition. The gradient profile can be defined from a Computer or manually using a display and keypad. The pump design is based on the following priorities: reliability, safety, precision, and easy maintenance. Piston exchange is simple. The pump includes a learning algorithm for pulsation suppression and a leaking detector. It is possible to use backwashing of pistons (E.g. when using buffered mobile phase)